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ID verification and Biometrics Industry

Articles exploring ID verification industry and business trends about KYC / AML compliance, electronic signature through biometric signature and multi-biometric authentication

Key factors for identity verification in online gambling

Nowadays, the use of mobile devices and computer equipment is increasingly focused on finding resources that allow the easy and quick acquisition of some form of economic compensation. It is a fact that online betting and gaming are on the rise due to their simple accessibility...
What is SIM Swapping and how to avoid fraud

What is SIM Swapping and how to avoid fraud

In the digital age, our mobile devices increasingly connect our lives. Nevertheless, security risks are also rising with the increasing reliance on mobile technology. One of the...

What is Digital Onboarding

What is Digital Onboarding

In an increasingly digitised world, businesses are challenged to adapt to the preferences and needs of today's consumers. Digital onboarding, also known as remote customer...

What is Due Diligence?

What is Due Diligence?

When it comes to conducting a business relationship, be it an acquisition or merger, purchase, or other contractual relationship with companies or individuals, problems can arise...

What is the difference between KYC and CDD?

What is the difference between KYC and CDD?

Although KYC (Know Your Customer) and CDD (Customer Due Diligence) are very similar, there are some nuances or differences between them that we will address in this article. KYC...

New National ID Card in Spain: DNI 4.0

New National ID Card in Spain: DNI 4.0

On 2 June we said goodbye to the old Spanish National ID card to welcome a new document with lots of new features: The new DNI 4.0, which adds additional security measures to...