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ID verification and Biometrics Industry

Articles exploring ID verification industry and business trends about KYC / AML compliance, electronic signature through biometric signature and multi-biometric authentication

Biometric signature on the go for delivery notes and deliveries

The signature has been part of humanity since prehistoric times. From the handprints on cave paintings to the strokes of an artist's brush, the signature has surpassed time, symbolising identity, purpose and commitment. In ancient times, the need to verify documents and...
Remote IDentity Proofing good practices

Remote IDentity Proofing good practices

  Over the past decade, we've experienced an unprecedented digital revolution that has brought numerous benefits to both society and the European economy. It has facilitated...

What is identity theft?

What is identity theft?

Current developments and advancements in AI have created a universe of impressive opportunities. Nevertheless, they bring along an increasingly deceptive and cunning threat:...

What is liveness detection?

What is liveness detection?

Liveness detection is a cutting-edge technology that ensures the authenticity and veracity of an individual in a digital environment. By using advanced algorithms and techniques,...