Mobbeel is a winner in the Start4Big initiative along with 5 other startups in the second Wave of Innovation. Start4big is the first multisector open innovation initiative promoted by Aigües de Barcelona, CaixaBank, Naturgy, SEAT and Telefónica.
In total, six of the 192 proposals submitted reached this final phase, which could involve starting different pilot projects with one of the major companies promoting the initiative.
Disruptive Solutions
Start4big’s second Wave of Innovation began with the launch of the partners’ four challenges for developing disruptive solutions to improve consumers’ experience and to ease people’s daily lives in areas such as biometric authentication, X Reality, Smart Cities and the circular economy.
A total of 192 projects were submitted, 43% more than in the first wave. A jury including international experts in different areas of technology and innovation, and representatives from each of the companies involved in Start4big, evaluated the projects submitted (61% of which were international) and chose the six winners.

Pilot projects with major corporations
The winning startups will run projects and test prototypes in real environments at one of Start4big’s major corporations. These will focus on matters such as digital identity, biometric identification, the use of virtual reality in maintenance tasks or technical assistance, the promotion of renewable energies and reducing environmental impact.
The five partner companies of Start4big are present in over 80 countries and together have a total of 200,000 employees. The startups may therefore access a significant customer portfolio of over 380 million people worldwide, distribution channels, positioning and visibility internationally.

I’m a Software Engineer with a passion for Marketing, Communication, and helping companies expand internationally—areas I’m currently focused on as CMO at Mobbeel. I’m a mix of many things, some good, some not so much… perfectly imperfect.

Discover what is face recognition
- Learn about the history of facial recognition. Origins and evolution.
- Learn how facial recognition systems work.
- See the different uses and applications.
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- Discover the challenges in cybersecurity.
- Learn about the regulations involved in biometric processes.
Discover what is face recognition